Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Professional Photographers

Michael Kenna

I really love this picture because: First, it was shot in Michigan. Second, I've been to this place. and
Finally, I love how he captured the ice on the water.
Michael Kenna  was born in 1953. He is Famous for his exceptional Black & White photographs. 
In 2000 The ministry of culture in France made Kenna a Chevalier in the Order of Arts and letters. 
He has over 20 Books and has won 6 awards including the Imogan Cunningham Award in 1981.  

Kurt ross
The reason i love this picture is because I have actually seen this happening. 
This picture was taken at Niagra Falls when they shine 
lights on the waterfall to make the water change color.
Kurt Ross an exceptional Photographer, States that art has been a rudder
to guide him when the going gets tough. Through his artistic passion he decided to
be a photographer. He created the Company Masterworks in 1984, and Still helps run it today even with photography taking up a lot of his time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter Light

I was waiting for the bus and saw the sun 
coming up through our tree line.

We were on our way to Green Bay when 
i Saw this Huge Cloud in the sky. I couldn't help but take a picture. 

I shot this picture after a long day of school the sky was
 perfect and it gave me a calming feeling.

Winter Texture

The broken branches were the best thing to shoot for texture.

The big tree with all the branches surrounding it gives off a feeling of
 how little kids grasp for their Mother's attention.

This picture was after the first snowfall at our house. I saw this rock and 
thought it was interesting So i took a photo.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Texture in Photography


"Doom's Walkway"

"A Splash of Texture"


"Grass Haven"