Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Cuddling is one of the things i consider warm. 
This is my dog Zeus, he loves to cuddle and give kisses that tickle your nose.

Sunlight is another thing i consider warm.
On a cold day when the light just peaks through the clouds is the best.

Fires are just warm in general. 
But at a campfire surrounded by family and friends they're the warmest.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Animal morph

Animal and Me
This is my cat Mittens. I chose to do an animal morph on him 
probably cuz the skin matches his fur,
and cuz he is my favorite kitty.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Natural Pattern

Man-made pattern 
Zebra-print High-tops

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Show and Tell

These are our projects for woods class we work up until thursday on
this to finish this. This project is part of our mass production unit. 

Lines in Nature

This was at sunset this weekend. We were about to leave when i ran inside to 
grab my camera so i could take a picture.

I really like how this picture turned out. I was outside just looking around when 
I thought it would be nice to take a picture of these 
boxes with the trees in the background.

After the picture above i decided to take another at an angle.
This was the best result of many.

Monday, March 4, 2013


This is a river by our house. I would play here when i was young. 
It has real sentimental value to me.

These steps are right outside school. 
I walk down them every morning when i get off the bus.

I forget where we were when i shot this picture 
But It was a day we set aside just for me to take pictures.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Professional Photographers

Michael Kenna

I really love this picture because: First, it was shot in Michigan. Second, I've been to this place. and
Finally, I love how he captured the ice on the water.
Michael Kenna  was born in 1953. He is Famous for his exceptional Black & White photographs. 
In 2000 The ministry of culture in France made Kenna a Chevalier in the Order of Arts and letters. 
He has over 20 Books and has won 6 awards including the Imogan Cunningham Award in 1981.  

Kurt ross
The reason i love this picture is because I have actually seen this happening. 
This picture was taken at Niagra Falls when they shine 
lights on the waterfall to make the water change color.
Kurt Ross an exceptional Photographer, States that art has been a rudder
to guide him when the going gets tough. Through his artistic passion he decided to
be a photographer. He created the Company Masterworks in 1984, and Still helps run it today even with photography taking up a lot of his time.